
a celebration for the ages

Love shining through at the end of this day of days. The world is suddenly a safer place for our children and grandchildren and that’s something to truly celebrate.💕

God speed

On the occasion of the inauguration of President Biden and Vice President Harris, with the inspiring and moving words of both the 46th President and the first youth poet laureate of America, Amanda Gorman, still resonating in my mind:


Congratulations America. Welcome back.


I hope you know how much you’ve been missed.


Happily all’s well with the world today.


Good luck and God speed.

rays of hope

Two moments from the past week in the Pacific Spirit Park. In these dark days a little light peeking through lifts us all up and gives us hope, something I think you’ll agree we all need at the moment.

seeing the light

Looking up in the Pacific Spirit Park last week as the early morning sun illuminated those beautiful autumn leaves beneath the majestic soaring pines.

The leaves may be falling but our spirits are rising each day.

virtual grad 2020


Congratulations to the Class of 2020 wherever you may be.

A troubled world awaits you all but I know you will be the changemakers we need now more than ever with your courage, determination, commitment and humanity. You give us all hope

a day of hope

Today was a day of hope: from the peaceful demonstrations across America, here in Canada and around the world, like this watercolour scene of Hyde Park London today; from the four charges against those responsible for the death of George Floyd; from the presidential voice of President Obama; and from the words of General Mattis.

steps of hope

On leaving the evening service at the mosque on West 8th Avenue in Vancouver last Friday, a service that I attended with many hundreds from the community including the Minister of Defense, the Mayor, and the High Commissioners of New Zealand and the United States, on the steps leading to the entrance had been left many bouquets, a New Zealand flag 🇳🇿 and lit candles, all of which gave us a moment of hope and light as we left on an evening that was dark with so much sorrow and despair.

This painting is my way of expressing my heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathy to all those families and friends who have lost loved ones last week both in Christchurch and from Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET302. May they all rest in peace.

liberty weeps

August 11th and 12th, 2017 will be forever remembered as two days of infamy that brought terror, shame, evil and murder to the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia. I send my condolences to the family and friends of Heather Heyer, murdered as she bravely stood up against bigotry and hatred, and whose words on her Facebook read “If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention.”

I also send condolences to the families and friends of Lt. H. Jay Cullen, Trooper Berke M.M. Bates, who also died as a result of the evil that visited their city.

May they all rest in peace and may Liberty’s flame act as beacon of hope.

Symbol ii

Can there be a more perfect symbol of love, joy, trust and hope than the grasp of the little hand of our beautiful granddaughter who is two weeks old today.

Although I posted this photo the day after she was born, I hope you agree that this close up is worth the re-post in response to Jen’s invitations for this Week’s Photo Challenge, to “…share a symbol with us, and tell us what it means to you.”