
oh wall…


“In this same interlude it doth befall
That I, one Changing Palette by name, present a wall.”

With apologies to Tom Snout the tinker and the Bard.

tick tock


“Tick Tock!”

“Who’s there?”


“Wanda who?”

“Wanda what happened to the other 793,800 tickets.”

tulip fest 2020


A year ago today we were enjoying our annual visit to the Chilliwack Tulip Festival, which sadly is not open this year. Instead today we are enjoying a mini tulipfest of our own on our deck…


Tulips of the Valley, Chilliwack Tulip Festival


…plus a look back to my first iPad paintings from 2013 inspired by David Hockney…



…and given today’s theme I couldn’t resist including this visual pun from 1984 that really needs no explanation other than the lips were my then 8 year old daughter’s.


all the world’s a stage

Yesterday was World Theatre Day.
All the world has now indeed become a stage. I know we all look forward to the day when theatres, galleries, concert halls, sports stadiums will all come to life again. In the meantime we must thank our dedicated health professionals, first responders, hospital employees; essential service providers of every kind be they in food, pharmacy, truck drivers, flight attendants, and so many countless others.
The time is out of joint; how fortunate we are that they were born to set it right!

coffee cat

No surprise our Sunday couldn’t face the news conference as she took the “catastrophic mistake” remark rather personally for some reason.

Starts with C


Cookie Monster starts with C, being photobombed here by Grover, and not forgetting Bert and Ernie, all names that cannot help but make you smile. They certainly did for our beautiful granddaughter after Xmas.

a holiday travel advisory


Yesterday’s photo is a reminder to buckle up in anticipation and drive safely over the holidays, particularly if your passenger is a moose who has had one too many at the office party…

…which reminded me of one of Woody Allen’s classic stories from the sixties:

Happy Holidays

mission accomplished

Discover Challenge: Mind the Gap

The distance between idea and execution can be a source of frustration — or of inspiration.”

For this week’s challenge” asks Ben, “tell us a story — in words, sounds, images, or any combination of media — about the struggle to close the gap between an idea and its realization.”


I think I’ll just let the pictures tell the story in which the gap was brilliantly closed
and the pride of achievement glorious to behold.




Mission accomplished by our beautiful granddaughter ❤️