Month: April 2021

watercolor workshop

Thank you to Inés Beatriz for a wonderful virtual watercolor workshop today; what a treat. And thank you to the BC Surgical Society for including it as one of the Virtual Wellness Activities in this year’s program. Visit Inés’s lovely website to enjoy her work, particularly her beautiful pet portraits. If you have a pet that you love you will love them all.

Canada Remembers

The sun broke through on our walk this morning in the Pacific Spirit Park illuminating these beautiful young maple leaves as we remember Sub.Lt. Abbigail Cowbrough and her five co-Canadian Armed Forces crew members, Sub-Lieutenant Matthew Pyke, Master Corporal Matthew Cousins, Captain Maxime Miron-Morin, Captain Kevin Hagen and Captain Brenden Ian MacDonald, all lost when their helicopter came down in the Ionian sea a year ago today.

Only eleven days previously Sub.Lt. Cowborough had been playing Amazing Graze on the deck of their ship HMCS Fredericton to honor all those murdered in the mass shooting in her home Province of Nova Scotia.


In Remembrance  🇨🇦  Nova Scotia Strong

national day of mourning

On Canada’s National Day of Mourning 🇨🇦 fifty fallen camellia petals to honor and remember the fifty health care heroes who have died from COVID-19 this past year one of whom was Diana Law, a wonderful caring and dedicated nurse from Peace Arch Hospital, a daughter, wife, mother and sister. She is the first nurse in British Columbia to die from COVID-19 and the second in Canada. Today’s post is dedicated to her memory and to the memory of all of the heroes whose families are mourning today, as we also take this opportunity to say thank you to all of our frontline heroes who continue to be there for us every single day.

when it’s raining outside

Collage on a rainy Saturday afternoon in the studio. You never know what a little tearing and recycling will result in. I think I’ll title it “When it’s raining outside.”

best moment of any day


The best moment of any day is when I am able to read to our beautiful grandchildren.


Happy World Book Day

Earth Day 2021

What better way to celebrate Earth Day than with these beautiful young ferns and lily of the valley leaves from the Pacific Spirit Park yesterday that remind us every day how precious and magnificent our world is.

Thank you also to all the children who honored the earth today with their beautiful painted rocks which we enjoyed on the Salish Trail in the Pacific Spirit Park this morning.

Thank you also to Greta Thunberg @gretathunberg who represented them and all of us speaking so eloquently and passionately to the US Congress today. And thank you to Amanda Gorman who has inspired us once again with her moving and beautiful poem Earthrise. The Earth could not have better champions who give us all such hope.


guilty, guilty, guilty


Going, going, gone.

Derek Chauvin guilty on all charges

Justice for George Floyd today.


May he now Rest In Peace