
Lens-Artists Challenge – Day & Night

For this weeks Lens Artist Challenge by Sofia, Day and Night, I looked back to one of my early blog posts from 2014, Nighttime is the Lighttime and my first attempts at Light Painting Photography.
As you will read if you open the link  this was in response to a Weekly Photo Challenge, which I know many of you who enjoy contributing to the Lens Artists challenges were part of in those days. This one was titled Nighttime, and in the spirit of the challenge I quietly got out of bed and took this photo of the sunflowers on our deck at 3:30 in the morning using a technique that I eventually became more proficient at. ( I should add that I wasn’t quite quiet enough it seemed as both my wife and the cat were not very impressed at being disturbed in the middle of the night.)

The following morning I took this photo of the sunflowers in the morning sunshine, and even added a voting link to my post for visitors to choose their preference; the light painting won out.

A couple of light paintings with which to finish and a link to the process by which they were created:

Studio 365 Day 81


Lens-Artists Challenge #261 – Work in Progress

In response to Ann-Christine’s challenge, Work in Progress, and with the encouragement of my dear friend Tina Schell I thought I would post this image of me working in my studio. To see the final painting completed after three and a half months, and to read the story behind the painting I invite you to visit my post War Child.

endless possibilities


How could I not respond to my wonderful friend Tina from Travels and Trifles who is hosting this week’s Lens-Artists Challenge: Creativity in the time of Covid with her as always inspiring images and words.

A few weeks ago I was intrigued by my beautiful granddaughter’s Disney Read and Glow drawing tablet so my lovely daughter gave me a present of one for myself. Here are a few of my “creations” some of which I have already blogged about. In these challenging times it has been fun to explore the endless possibilities that this brilliant little children’s drawing tool provides.






Thanks Tina for always inspiring us with your Travels and Trifles.

where the bee sucks



Couldn’t resist posting this lovely garden moment to the Lens Artist challenge: Detail

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Patterns

How could I not post these wonderful mosaic patterns from the Basilica San Marco from our recent visit to Venice for this week’s Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Patterns