thank heavens for FaceTime



Painted for my beautiful granddaughter’s nursery.

Today it is dedicated to all the Lions and Lionesses out there fighting for us all.


  1. I read to my Grand-daughter (she’s not quite 10 months) for the first time over FaceTime yesterday and we are going to make it a regular at bedtime. She, my daughter and I should have been arriving in Provence yesterday for a week together before the little mummy goes back to work. Now the world is upside down but we need not be deterred from the important things in life and ingenuity and technology conspire to make many things possible that simple were not when our own young were tinies. Lions and lionesses all, we shall get through. 🦁

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    1. I’m sure your granddaughter loves seeing you and hearing your voice. I know ours do. We must get through although we have a long way to go. Be safe and well and savor those precious FaceTime moments. Sending you a virtual hug 🤗

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