children’s books

thank heavens for FaceTime



Painted for my beautiful granddaughter’s nursery.

Today it is dedicated to all the Lions and Lionesses out there fighting for us all.

“welcome to my kingdom”


There’s no better way to relax than reading with our beautiful granddaughter.

Studio 365: Day 178

Nursery i
Some days are just the best, and today is one of those days. We became grandparents for the first time when our daughter gave birth to a beautiful little girl at 9:30 this morning.

On Day 144 you will remember I said I would reveal the pieces I was stretching and wiring so earnestly. This wonderful cross-stitch scene my wife made when she was pregnant with our daughter and after she was born it hung over her crib. Happily it will now be hanging in her own daughter’s nursery in pride of place.

Nursery ii

These pieces, also for the nursery, are images from favourite books that I used to read to her and her brother for years, which I have scanned, printed onto canvas and then stretched onto the small frames. I’m already looking forward to reading them all over again.

Nursery iv

What a great day it has been today. I hope yours has been too.

Nursery iii