Month: September 2015

Studio 365: Day 272

Day 272 vi

Grounds for Dismissal

Today’s image is created entirely with freshly brewed espresso and discarded espresso coffee grounds on watercolor paper, and is the first painting of a new art movement to be called Espressoism, a movement of which I am at present the first and I believe only member! You are very welcome to join of course with your own coffee masterpieces, which I very much look forward to seeing.

Day 272 v   Day 272 iv

Wishing you all a very happy #NationalCoffeeDay wherever you may be enjoying your morning, afternoon or evening cup of joe.

Day 272 ii

P.S. A great way to celebrate my 700th post – hard to believe!

From Bean to Brew in Peru

Did you know that today is National Coffee Day? I certainly didn’t, particularly as everyday is National Coffee Day in our house. But it really is as I discovered on my Twitter feed this morning when I saw the hatch tag #nationalcoffeeday.

And so to celebrate this important day in the life of my fellow coffee drinkers everywhere I thought I would look back to our coffee plantation visit on Day 5 of our trek to Machu Picchu with Mountain Lodges of Peru in 2013, a day on which we all enjoyed a memorable cup of strong aromatic coffee having witnessed its journey from bean to cup…

…and a great way to respond to Kristin who asked us to show “a change in progress” for this week’s Photo Challenge: Change

Studio 365: Day 269

Day 269 iv

It’s a grandpa weekend with our beautiful granddaughter, three months old tomorrow…

Day 269 viii         Day 269 vii

…and all the fun of our first Baby Fair as you can see.

Day 269 ix

Studio 365: Day 268

Day 269 ii

City of the Imagination X 25.9.15

As they say, “Now for something completely different”. Today’s image is a collage using, appropriately, torn pieces from an old Architectural Digest together with watercolor, pen and ink.

Day 268 ii

Weekly Photo Challenge: Change

Pope Francis iii

Pope Francis in New York today at the 9/11 Memorial Reflecting Pool praying for peace and remembering those who were lost on a day change came so suddenly and violently to our world.

Photo taken during the broadcast on CNN this morning
Day 266 ii


City of the Imagination I – VIII 23.9.15

City of the Imagination began on Day 261 in response to this week’s Photo Challenge: Grid. Variations VII and VIII were posted yesterday for Day 265, so today I thought I would put all eight together as a final City of the Imagination grid. Look for more to come in the next day or two that will definitely now be off the grid.