Los Angeles

Studio 365: Day 364

Day 364 ii

December:  As you will have read yesterday we spent Christmas in Los Angeles. On Boxing Day morning we walked through Grand Hope Park in downtown LA where this poetic plaque welcomes you at its entrance…

Day 364 iii

…It was a beautiful, clear, warm, sunny morning and the trees, buildings, blossoms, shadows and architecture, all created a perfect reflection of the magic of the city. It was also an opportunity for me to experiment with my new iPhone 6S with which all the photos were taken…

…and Star Wars The Force Awakens in the afternoon did not disappoint

Day 364 xix

See you for New Year’s Eve and Day 365 tomorrow.

angular angels

angular xii

freeway iii

Angels on the donor windows of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels overlooking the Los Angeles Hollywood Freeway.

angular xi

for this week’s Weekly Photo Challenge: Angular

Wait Inside Until Car Stops

Angels Flight i


Angels Flight iii        Angels Flight ii
Angel’s Flight, “The Shortest Railway in The World” dating back to 1901, which is located in the Bunker Hill district of Downtown Los Angeles, California. During your short descent remember to wait inside until the car stops.

Angels Flight iv