Lost and Found

humanity iii

Humanity Lost
The emotion felt at the Holocaust Memorial and the Jewish Museum in Berlin.

humanity iv

Humanity Found
The emotion felt because of the very existence of the Memorial and the Museum in Berlin.

humanity v


Nicole, whose blog Thirdeyemom teaches us so much about our world through her eyes, has challenged us this week to express through photography “Humanity”.  Nicole’s images and words should be seen and read by all, for they are always inspirational. Thank you Nicole.


  1. Wow Andrew. This is utterly beautiful. Yes it is dark but without darkness we would not see the light. There is so much sorrow and hatred and despair sometimes in the world. I see it and it bothers me immensely. I reflect on it and do what I can to try to make things a little lighter. Gorgeous entry.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments Nicole; they are so very much appreciated. You do make things “lighter” and your contributions to humanity make the world a better place 🙂


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