
working with light

After a breathtakingly beautiful sunset and sky two nights ago I returned to the studio today to practice some more exercises from Tony Smibert’s “Turner’s Apprentice”.

In the chapter “Working with light” he writes, ”Learn what you can from Turner, certainly, but also study the play of light in nature, adapt what you learn and allow what you see to inspire drama within landscapes painted in your own way”.

When you see the sky from two nights ago you can see why I was inspired.




Studio 365: Day 287

What could be better than the perfect day in London, beginning with a latte on Waterloo Station before walking to Tate Britain, with so much to enjoy on the way: the London Eye, Westminster Bridge, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Churchill’s statue, Richard Coeur de Lion in Old Palace Yard, and then along Millbank to my favourite gallery and a return to the Turners’ and so many other memorable British artists. Come and join me and enjoy the day…







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…on to France and the Dordogne in the morning. See you there.

Studio 365: Day 202

Day 202 i

Lessons from the Great Masters Day 15 – 21.7.15 – in progress

Day 202 ii

Chapter title: Taking inspiration from an oil painting: rapid studies in pencil and watercolour. The painting is a detail from Turner’s The Shipwreck 1805, part of the Turner Bequest at Tate Britain where it is on display in the Turner collection.

Day 175 iii