A Year of Monday Bouquets

When I published the first Monday Bouquet at the beginning of the year I wrote that my goal for 2014 would be “to post a bouquet, photographed or painted, each Monday throughout the year.” With the posting of yesterday’s Monday Bouquet, which is to be the last, I’m happy to say that my goal has been met.

I hope you enjoy the warmth and colour of today’s gallery of all the bouquets and perhaps find one that you might like to download to brighten your days in the year to come. If you do, let me know which one you choose. I certainly have my favourites now that I see them all together for the first time.

My thanks to all of you for visiting this past year and commenting so warmly.

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year.


  1. Wow Andrew, it’s amazing to see these all together at one time! They are all glorious but I’m partial to your paintings, maybe because I can’t paint and greatly admire those who can! The colors are extraordinary and I love your semi-impressionist style. I’m also happy to see your red cyclist as a top post. I think that one was my favorite of the year. Here’s to only the best in 2015 to you and yours!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Tina for your lovely comments; they are very much appreciated. It was a pleasant surprise to see all the bouquets together once the gallery was finished. Thanks for your kind words about the paintings. I’ve been in love with the Impressionists all my life so I’m happy to hear that a little has rubbed off 🙂 The Red Cyclist has always been one of my favorites but as you know it was a lucky catch. My best wishes to you and yours too as we look forward to the New Year. With warmest regards as always…Andrew


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