New Years Day

what would Pooh say today

On March 19th last year inspired by my dear blogging friend Kelly who started a Daily Dose of Beauty on her wonderful CompassAndCamera blog to help us “feel and understand our shared humanity” as the days of isolation were just beginning, I joined her in committing to posting every day during the pandemic never thinking that it would continue to the end of the year and beyond.
Both Kelly and I have indeed now posted every day since last March and through her wonderful CompassionAndCamera we have all had the pleasure of seeing the beauty of the world through her lens and learnt so much from her brilliantly descriptive travel writing all from the comfort of our self-isolated armchairs at home. So as we begin this New Year I would like to pay tribute to Kelly and thank her for inspiring us each and every day. Thank you Kelly from all of us in your loyal fan club.
Now as for today, on this first day of the New Year, this will be the last of my daily posts. Rest assured however I am not going anywhere and the posts will continue on The Changing Palette, but perhaps at a little less frequency. I thought about what today should be about and decided that as we seem to have come full circle with lock downs and self-isolation returning everywhere I would revisit the second of my daily posts from last March, which was really meant for the children as a way of talking to them about locking down and staying home and not visiting friends. If Pooh and Piglet can do it, so can we all.

For children everywhere.


And they did indeed FaceTime with Eeyore who couldn’t have been happier to see them.



Happy New Year everyone. Stay safe and well in 2021 and just like Pooh and Piglet take care of each other, check in on loved ones and friends, and thank the heroes around you, as I try to do as often as I can, who are working so hard every day for us all until we get to reach that light at the end of the tunnel. It’s getting closer.💕