Italy Day Two: Florence

The view from the Pontevecchio this morning after we arrived from Rome was simply breathtaking. 

More photos for this week’s photo challenge: scale. On to the Tuscan countryside in the morning. 


  1. Ohh, I see! You’re out of Rome already! Moving around Tuscany, while I just left it. I wonder how much to the south of it you will venture. I live in the very south. 🙂 Looking forward to following your journey. Tuscany is in good hands with you.

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  2. I simply must comment on that first picture …. the lone sculler making perfect puddles on the river in the shadow of that stunning cityscape is pretty close to perfect! The sculptures aren’t bad either 😉

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    1. Thanks Tina. Yes, indeed I think it does. I am very much aware of the beauty of light, the drama of shadow and the power of perspective all mixed with the wonder of serendipity. Loving Italy at the moment as you can see 😊


    1. Thanks Debi. We’re having a great time as you can see. Lots of ideas for paintings on our return. Unfortunately wifi is limited where we’re staying but look forward to catching up when we’re back. Best wishes

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